Director - Donna Bronner
My Name is Donna L. Bronner. I have resided in Maywood for nearly 30 years with my family. I am a Woman of Strong Faith, who believes all things are possible with God. I am a wife, mother, and grandmother. I also serve as a prayer intercessor, teacher, prophetic minister and counselor. I love Family and living a life of faith and purpose!
My profession is educational leadership, and speech pathology. As an educator, I have served in both public & private education as a teacher, speech pathologist, coordinator, and director of education programs.
My calling is family ministry, and prayer counseling. Ministry begins first in the home, thereby making a strong community. Love and faith is foundational for overcoming many family challenges, and storms. This was tested in my life with my daughters’ painful journey through domestic violence. That experience shaped the purpose for Bridge to Destiny as I desperately sought resources to help my own child. Navigating through this dark season gave me a strong “WHY,” and mission for helping women, children, or families impacted by domestic violence.
My Service as a resident of Maywood is community advocacy for change through family outreach to first women, then children, and men. As a community leader, I currently serve as an Advisory Board Member of Quinn Community Center and Director of Bridge to Destiny) in partnership with Quinn Community Center at St. Eulalia. My initial service took shape in the form of developing a half-day summer tutoring program. I connected twenty-five Golden Apple Scholar Teachers from Elmhurst College, who served as intern teachers tutoring at-risk children. They provided fun educational activities to build the skills of children impacted by domestic violence. It was an awesome and successful partnership that developed into a full day summer camp.
With faith, passion, and partnership, I am making a difference in my community! Thank you Proviso Partners for Health (PP4H) for your support in partnering for health in the Maywood community.
Bridge To Destiny – Donna Bronner